AboutThe Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) and Green TFP
A brief history
Launched in 1999, the Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) aims to promote foreign trade to, from and among the economies where the EBRD invests through a range of products.
Through the programme, the EBRD provides guarantees to international confirming banks and short-term loans to selected issuing banks and factoring companies for on-lending to local exporters, importers and distributors.
At a glance
Number of confirming banks in
88 economies
Number of issuing banks in
27 economies
Total number of transactions since 1999
Total transaction value since 1999

The top 10 confirming banks for 2022 will be published in due course
Bank | Country |
Top 10 countries by number of transactions 2022*
Country |
Tunisia |
Uzbekistan |
Serbia |
Greece |
Ukraine |
Türkiye |
Georgia |
Armenia |
Morocco |
Egypt |
*January-December 2022
Top 10 sectors supported in 2022*

*January-December 2022

Green TFP
The Green Trade Facilitation Programme (Green TFP) stimulates the supply of high performance technologies and services into or across the economies where the EBRD invests.
It contributes to the Bank’s Green Economy Transition (GET) approach, which puts investments that bring environmental benefits at the heart of the EBRD’s mandate.
Since 2016
The EBRD has supported more than €1,800 million in green trade financing
Almost 900 Green TFP transactions have been financed in 22 economies where the EBRD invests
Resulting in
8,300 GWh equal to annual electricity consumption of approximately 2.2 million households
1.8 million3 equal to annual water consumption of 13,900 households
Emission reductions of 4,370 kilotonnes CO₂ (equal to annual CO₂ emissions of more than 2.8 million passenger cars)
Green TFP portfolio by country 2022 (by number of transactions)

Türkiye 34, Uzbekistan 25, Georgia 24, Greece 21, Tunisia 20, Armenia 19, Serbia 12, Ukraine 10, West Bank and Gaza 10, Egypt 9, Romania 6, Other 4
Green TFP portfolio by sector 2022 (by number of transactions)